
Friday 15 May 2015

Labyrinth World's of Mistakes

Labyrinth world of Mistakes...
Walking on the Labyrinth  world's of Mistakes
How could we learn the way out without making one
Without patience , we are annoyed
Without love , we are angered
Without compassion , we are bold.

Steps by steps like a child learning to use our feet
Touch by touch we learned the hot and cold
Feelings we learned, our emotion, to cry and to laugh
A blind see's by his touch, see it  through  what our eyes can't do.

To be there at the right place , at the right time
Timing is everything, being there at the moment
The flaws of the humans world to be perfect at  all times
I was made out of love, at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Can mistake's be proud sometimes, nor can hurt at times
Is it was what we made of or what we made to be
Learning from every direction, from top to the bottom
Is Nature wrong from making weed and trees that are  so high

Teach me , Show me , Tell me the way to  perfection
Where no tears fall,  no dull moment, no cringe, no troll
Smart is living , Ignorant in a bliss, stupid has no ball
Bring me where Mistakes doesn't exist at all.
Let the Love flow. Grace

Thursday 14 May 2015

...Enduring Life..

...Enduring Life..

Perfect of Imperfect worlds wants to believed it's fair 
From the highest to the bottom, to measured equality
The good , the bad , the battle of the righteous glory
To pursuit of happiness, equal one less of  humility.

Silent war continue  inside thy heart , thy mind , thy soul
Feed thy body from hunger, not by  food but compassion
Time after time , little by little, One dying from Enduring Life
Competing one another, a must , to show what you have.

Humbled by heart, where to find, what's the cost, how it exist
Blindfolded of praises, King ego rises, taking over to live a life 
Hurting thy one, thy  love, to feed thy King,  inside thy mind
Clasp of Sadness, surrounds thy world, thy love hides in pain.

Buried in life's uncertainties, for the sake, hold thyself out of despair
Darkness covered the night, while the cold overtake till dawn
Sun rises,  scolded the heat , frozen from the coldness of thy heart
Left out of the moonlight staring at the world behind the clouds. 

..Let the love flow... Grace

Wednesday 6 May 2015

What will be....would not be

"As the core of the night passes , you'll know, your closed to dawn..
Sunshine on the way... and if'it's rain.. then rainbow will be on sight.
What would be the life after, it's all up to your demand
And what will be, would not be , to toss a sadness or captured your happiness ,

All in one desire what's in your heart is what you got.
" Let the love flow."