
Friday 13 May 2016

Poem's and Poetry , from my heart to yours ..: The Wind Chaser

Poem's and Poetry , from my heart to yours ..: The Wind Chaser: The Wind Chaser HAPPYGO LUCKYGRACE · FRIDAY, 13 MAY 2016 Wind flowing in every direction , not knowing where it goes ...

The Wind Chaser

Wind flowing in every direction , not knowing where it goes
Sailing the world not knowing where the wind blows
Life’s adventure has brought by the wind on the meadows
Finding its direction , The wind flew, leaving the blues.
The Wind Chaser with the wind rose, against the wind, it takes off
Touches of the wind freshen the heat ,damp or feeling cold
Tell me where it goes , where it cross , where the wind flows
Against all odd , against the wind , will you find tomorrows?
You know the sound of the wind when the storm is coming ?
Whistle on the wind , to call upon , you see the tree's swaying
The wind response to every season's what the world bring
Calling the wind , where direction to go, to finds our dreams.
Let the Love flow.. Let the Wind Go .
Written by: Grace Go

Saturday 7 May 2016

I love Park Extension

This flower has  a different color's in one stem , Just like the Park Extension Community ,
Difference does not matter , Living in Harmony and Together in One Place,
Makes them Unique and Beautiful. 

I love Park Extension

A place for beginner's  who traveled near and far .
We chose to live here to the end and beyond.
A place for everyone , Welcome's everyone
From east, south , west to the north.

Park Extension, A community of a big family and
The neighborhood who look up to each other ,
Know each other and value the life and religions
of each other.

You'll find exotic food, from around the world
From Greeks, to Armenian , Turkey , India ,
Vietnam,  Philippines , Chinese and Quebecoise.

Halal everywhere, Roast pork every corner,
vegetarian spring rolls and spices all over
The taste from our home , we brought from our
native land, to share the love, from our heart to your heart.

Park Extension, A place we can be ourselves,
Orthodox, Christian , Muslim , and Buddhism
A place of Diversity of it's finest. Together,
In One place , We are all United.

I love Park Extension. !!!
Heavenly Place ~ Heavenly  Days

By: HappyGoLuckyGrace (Grace Go)