
Thursday 10 July 2014

I did not follow my dreams..

I did not follow my dreams..

As  a child  i have so many dreams

as a child i built my own castle

as a child i am the princess

as a child i am the government

as a child i am the universe..

as a child i have my own rules

as a child i know happiness is to follow my dreams

as a child success is everything

As a child no more

I did not follow my dreams

It's a nightmare inside the castle

it's a prisoner to be a princess

it's the mind that governs the heart

it's the universe beyond my reach

it's the rules by the rules owned

it's not to dream to be happy, it is to be happy with out the  dreams.

I did not follow my dreams

To become a doctor so I can heal ...

To be  rich so I can be generous ...

To become  a teacher so I can teach..

To become  the  leader so I can rule.

To become a journalist so I can write...

I become  a healer with my love and compassion to other's pain..

I become so rich in love and generously divide my heart to in despair..

I become a teacher of life , I teach nothingness , starts of our wisdom ..

I become the leader of my life and rules does not applied rather freedom..

I become a journalist of my everyday journey and write the story in every one's heart.

I'd followed nothing rather  do everything...

I did not follow my dreams ....rather,   Dreams followed me where Happiness Is...

Grace... :)

A life to go on..

A life to go on..

Raging flows of emotions running through my head...
like a tsunami doesn't care what goes in and out her way
what ever may cause to reach the shore of bed of roses
thorns and branches,may hurt or scratch but cannot oppose.

Flaws and imperfections is what I made of...
like a charcoal pressured to the bone
to make my self stronger and sharp as diamond
in times I will be treasured as a human not a stone.

Misunderstood as a woman, misunderstood as a child...
Simple as I can be, I cannot do what powerful do
hide and seek is not my game, you'll see what I gain
to learn to laugh at my mistakes, then start all over again.

I understand, tomorrow will never come, Now is the time...
to love and be loved my attributes to all man kind
living with compassion, brought me farther in this life
proper attitudes and Perception that's what keeps me survive.

Grace,,,, let the love flow... :)