
Thursday 17 December 2015

Just Say , Hello

Torment by the fact, I was misunderstood
I was angry and mad, but your blind and loud
Jealousy, is not my type , my heart is screaming out loud
as time passes by and stormed had passed
you left with ruins, left me with devastated heart
I heard the phone ringing, on the ID caller
it say’s it’s “unavailable number”
I don’t know who’s calling and I am not answering
you don’t wanna show who you are, I don’t wanna know you either
Public telephone is what your using, because your far away from the city.
Leaving me behind and the day passes , Look who’s back here again
and you said, “here I am are , Just to say hello... hello ,
Just say hello , Just say hello, and all you think everything is fine
Your selfish heart , just wanna say hello, Just Say, hello..hello.
Hell No... No.. noonoo. Just say hello.... hell noo. no.. nooh.
Go back baby where you came from,
No place for you here , even though Just to say hello
Love has gone, and no time for your lying tongue
Go on baby, find your love somewhere else, definitely not here.
Just say hello .. Oh hell noo.. noo .Just say hello..noo noo..No..
Just say hello...hell no nooo No..ohhh.

composed : by GraceGo
Inspired by the Hollywood couple who never get along

Monday 14 December 2015

Heart Snatcher

  • Heart Snatcher

  • Oh my heart, you ran away with my heart
  • how can I survive, my life grow with your love
  • why make me believed , I should know better
  • no need to blocked me on your facebook
  • or unfollowed, my twitter and all the memories,
  • our pictures together on instagram are deleted
  • Oh baby, your a Heart Snatcher , leaving me in the dark
  • I thought it’s forever, I thought so wrong.
  • I thought your love is real, our love for real
  • you shuffled my life like a card of poker player
  • you win, I lost, because my baby , your a “Heart Snatcher”
  • You run away with my heart , how can survive
  • with your love , with out you by my side.

  • Written:by HappyGoLuckyGrace
  • Inspired by crazyinloveteens

Thursday 10 December 2015

The Season of Smile

It’s safe to say December is “The Season of Smile”
Anywhere I look , there’s always a happy style
Everywhere you go , you’ll see excitement
It’s the season, for any reason, to our achievements.
There could be a sadness , but it was put behind, to show the smile
They could be grieving from a lost of a love one, friends, homes , pets or car
but it was put behind, to show their smile.
Smile, a powerful weapon from all kinds of pain
To be alive, to be here, to have another chance to gain.
The reason behind the Smile.. December, have all that chance
The chance to give, to share, to be alive, to be human, to dance.
Your chance to retold the story and A chance to make a new
December is the last month of the year, Season of Smile ,I knew
To recollect the whole year have gone and all pains to be bygone
Today .. I declared , ..Is The Season of Smile .. Pass it around before dawn.

written: Grace.. Let the love flow..

Thursday 3 December 2015

“Letter from Earth to Heaven”

"Letter from Earth to Heaven”
Time does not heal.
The day of my Heart broken
How can we handle such raging emotions
For the lost of love one, that close to your heart
The one that most ignore and yet have the most place
To be love, to be mind , to be there.
How can I forget the last day , we have spoken
When you say , I love you and take care of myself"
You have to go and I'm leaving the country
The last word, that I heard , that's it, that's all."
The time had come, when you have to look for me
Wanting to see me and hear my voice again
I wasn't there, I didn't know, I was far away from you
You have left, with out a word, with out a note.
Father, How can I go on, what shall I do?
With out the tears , every time I thought of you.
Deepen in my heart, I do love you so
Papa, Today is your Birthday,
I will light a candle to reach you in Heaven.
Papa...Happy Birthday and I love you, always and undeniable.
Me... SheilaGrace

Inspired by: heartbroken for the love for her Father

Sunday 8 November 2015

One , I love you.

One , I love you.

A hug is just a hug , 

  • or a kiss is just a kiss ,
  • one thing I know
  • seeing you , there is love
  • and a hope in sight...
  • to say i love you , to tell it so,
  • with your embrace you really show.
  • I walk with you, side by side
  • to hear your whisper close to mine
  • you took , my one heart ,
  • My One love ,One life
  • and just One , I love you.
  • written with so much love by : happygoluckygrace

Friday 2 October 2015

The Key

The Key
Far away, home sweet home
Star’s in heaven guiding the door
Can I asked for the key to open it all

let the world Peace and compassion.
to enter in the heart of earth's people.

Inspired by the fact : Happygoluckygrace, holds a key to happiness

The Cup

The Cup
Hold my drinks
and touch my lips
make it hot
pour in cold
The cup took it all.

Inspired by a friend who love's tea and I love it too : happygoluckygrace

The Moonlight magic

The moonlight magic
Embraced me tight
undress my soul, see's my passion
Looking through my tantalizing eyes
hug me close and feel the beat of my heart,

Oh, Moonlight magic kisses my lips.

Inspired by the moonlight so bright at the peak of the night ,
by the window , I can see the light. : by HappyGoluckyGrace

The Golden Clock

The Golden Clock
Witness the moon rising
Witness the sun setting
Around the clock is turning
Around the clock is facing
Inside the clock , the busy hands
Trying to catch up on the busy life
Click, clock,tick tock
at twenty four hours
time is up.

Inspired by the running clock on top of the table
as if the time goes by so fast and here we are sharing thoughts..
By: happygoluckygrace

Friday 7 August 2015

Falling Star

    Falling Star

     Bountiful life teach me how to catch the falling stars,

     Show me to relieve the anxious heart from despair 
     Living lost, w'ere Hope run's wild, Faith is in disguised
     and Love is  hidden it's no where to find.
     Up in the sky ,covered by clouds, Sun is setting
     When darkness fall, uncovered the falling star 
     Ripping through the space on her way down
     to the Earth it will fall, in the ocean or in land.

      Every wish people make upon the falling lights 

      Tears of the star shedding in the lonely night's
      Your wish is thy command, thy brightness is fading 
      On the ground, where it fall, without light, it becomes a rock.

      I wished ,  the falling star  would not fall

      To brighten the path, lightened without a toll
      Star's above  can you show the way out 
      from  the darkness that surrounds thy heart. 

      Let the love flow.... Grace

      written by:  happygoluckygrace

Friday 15 May 2015

Labyrinth World's of Mistakes

Labyrinth world of Mistakes...
Walking on the Labyrinth  world's of Mistakes
How could we learn the way out without making one
Without patience , we are annoyed
Without love , we are angered
Without compassion , we are bold.

Steps by steps like a child learning to use our feet
Touch by touch we learned the hot and cold
Feelings we learned, our emotion, to cry and to laugh
A blind see's by his touch, see it  through  what our eyes can't do.

To be there at the right place , at the right time
Timing is everything, being there at the moment
The flaws of the humans world to be perfect at  all times
I was made out of love, at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Can mistake's be proud sometimes, nor can hurt at times
Is it was what we made of or what we made to be
Learning from every direction, from top to the bottom
Is Nature wrong from making weed and trees that are  so high

Teach me , Show me , Tell me the way to  perfection
Where no tears fall,  no dull moment, no cringe, no troll
Smart is living , Ignorant in a bliss, stupid has no ball
Bring me where Mistakes doesn't exist at all.
Let the Love flow. Grace

Thursday 14 May 2015

...Enduring Life..

...Enduring Life..

Perfect of Imperfect worlds wants to believed it's fair 
From the highest to the bottom, to measured equality
The good , the bad , the battle of the righteous glory
To pursuit of happiness, equal one less of  humility.

Silent war continue  inside thy heart , thy mind , thy soul
Feed thy body from hunger, not by  food but compassion
Time after time , little by little, One dying from Enduring Life
Competing one another, a must , to show what you have.

Humbled by heart, where to find, what's the cost, how it exist
Blindfolded of praises, King ego rises, taking over to live a life 
Hurting thy one, thy  love, to feed thy King,  inside thy mind
Clasp of Sadness, surrounds thy world, thy love hides in pain.

Buried in life's uncertainties, for the sake, hold thyself out of despair
Darkness covered the night, while the cold overtake till dawn
Sun rises,  scolded the heat , frozen from the coldness of thy heart
Left out of the moonlight staring at the world behind the clouds. 

..Let the love flow... Grace

Wednesday 6 May 2015

What will be....would not be

"As the core of the night passes , you'll know, your closed to dawn..
Sunshine on the way... and if'it's rain.. then rainbow will be on sight.
What would be the life after, it's all up to your demand
And what will be, would not be , to toss a sadness or captured your happiness ,

All in one desire what's in your heart is what you got.
" Let the love flow."

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Child's Mind

   Child's Mind

Be a child but not childish
See beauty in blue not blues in time.
Honesty nor lies what it is in child's mind,
Just what it is,Happiness is genuine. 
A young at heart grown like a man
The child inside mostly understand,
That Life as nature and Nature is Life
All the wonder so great and enough, 
For One child to understand is Love. 
~Let the Love flow.`~ Grace Go

Thursday 19 February 2015

Finish Line

Day after day sadness got deeper
Run , crawl , all woes, foes creeper
Cheerers awaited at the Finish line
Vanity , tragedy  delivered a fine dine.

Booing not  touch of unprecedented
Stoning  not the love of kindred heart
Soothe the soul of forgtotten
Crying field , Tears inside the haven.

Feed the hunger of greed
Ride the roller coster breed
Shadow behind  the lead
Shaping the world by deed

To the Finish Line we reach
Upon destination of breach
Catch the falling peach
From blood feed the  leech.


Wednesday 28 January 2015

Story of Ones life..

Whooping strong wind, piercing rain drops, candle light is out
Along the  ocean shore , A nipa hut is trying to hold on 
You can hear the loud thunder, the chaos from the trees 
Big waves breaking the water walls , the river is overflowing.

Above the chaos , you can hear the cry of a newborn baby 
Announcing to the world, here I am , prepared and ready 
Wrapped with blanket , grandfather is the happiest on that moment
Took her with pride and joy, so much love, protection,and compassion. 

Mother left, Father nowhere to find, Inay, is her mother now
Mamay, watching over her , while she's asleep , while she's awake
Growing  in far province , where no one can ever find her
Yield with grandfather's love, I have no question to ask.

One day, A question arise they never thought It  would be  asked
Decision's that  never thought would happen
Life  that she  have known is far from what she have been told
Pain that is never thought, despair, It never thought there is.

Stories to be told , interesting journey on the  road to happiness
Teardrops from joy , sadness , broken heart and child grief  
Unwanted, hidden, deprived , disciplined from head to toe's 
Prepared for anything, for the  days to come and how it goes.

If there is  one wish to change ...It would not change a bit
If there is one more to do , it's only to go on
If there is  another chance , it's only to live life to the fullest  
If there is  one more to say .. it is only to love and be loved and let the love flow. 

Once a child, once love and one chance to live 
The memory of the past is the  road to the  future 
Embedded with hope , faith, gratitude and patience 
Our life is a journey ,every moment lives through to eternity. 
The Story of one's Life 

Inspired by Life ... written by Grace..

Heaven on Earth..

Heaven on Earth..

14 November 2014 at 09:50
Heaven on earth as well as hell 
to live is to cry, diamond are rare to find 
sounds of love, harsh with silence
look in the eyes of despair, hiding behind sweet smile.

Cold had taken, the heat from the heart
left with the heartbeat, undesirable to live
powerless in life,embracing death to have peace of mind
wanting to rest on the cloud nine where happiness never end.

Facade of the moon, the righteous, the ruler 
order to ordeal , bow, either  off the head 
sailing on the raging water, rocky road and shallow ground
river of life , carry on , goes with the flow or drowned.
