
Thursday 20 June 2013

...Where it ends..

....Where it ends..

Where it ends the pain had cause 
should be placed  inside the clause
From head to toes,  feeling so cold
a lifetime of sad stories have unfold.

Where it ends the happiness have shared
it is for a lifetime or  a minute of snared
Beginning of sorrows crawling inside
like a termite eating the foundation of pride.

Where it ends when it begins to love
flying nowhere like the mourning dove
With broken wings fell inside the abyss
lost in universe, sad memory to reminisce.

Where it ends the dept  of bloody wound 
grasping to breath in shallow ground
it's a long road of tears and despair
the journey starts with a little flare. 

Where it ends  every  wishes and dreams
sky is the limit or running water on the stream
Running after for every chances of possibility 
to never end to live with love and begin, where it ends. 


Let the love flow.. :)

written by : Grace Go 

Love and be love...

Love and be love...

So many sleepless night to mend ones broken heart
Blurry eyes , Drying tears  with little hope's seems falling apart
Helpless love in deeper thoughts, the pain, cuts like a knife
Knowing how to live for love is the  lesson to learn in life.

Like a bird on the golden cage wanting to fly around the shack
Scared to be lost in  far away land and not finding the way back
To love and be love, all you know is giving everything you got
To trust ,to understand ,weave the way through to happiness we ought..

In our heart, love is to be free, letting go of despair, cry no more
Holding on, to dearest one to reach out from shore to shore 
To pursuit such happiness , to have it,  forever and ever
Finding smile on every lips once again turn sadness into joy forever. 

Let the love flow... :)

written by : Grace Go

Wednesday 19 June 2013

I love you, Forever and ever In this life time and any other life time.....

I love you, Forever and ever
In this life time and any other life time....

Then one day, we crossed our path
You lift me up and hold me tight 
Become my light on the shimmering night
Guided me   till the sun set  on sight.

I never thought I would knew
I never thought I would grew
Until You came to complete my few
Colors of love painted in morning dew.

A broken dream , A broken theme
Drowning in vain for a silly fame
Going through it all, is the only game
Just a Smiles covered my heart's  pain 

You brighten up the darkest day 
You cheer me up along the way 
And it only matters what you say
Your love is the answer to my  pray.

I might know or really not, what  Love is
Trust you with my heart, sealed with a kiss
Showed me many things that I have miss
Completely give my heart a bountiful bliss. 

Delicately , gently kept me in your heart
You showed me a love beyond the part 
Unconditional love, be love describes infinite art
You're my wonderful gift  written on my line chart

Just like a crystal that's in your hand
Keeping me safe from the prickly  sand
Everywhere, anywhere, anytime  in the land
Making sure I am unharmed to where I stand.

The great Pyramid scares the time
Like our Love to each other, beyond the rhyme
We build a home of love strong and prime
Time goes on and Forever, our Love will chime
In this life time and any other life time 
Your  love is my life line .

Loving you the most ...Grace
written by : Grace Go

A dream is just a dream?

Dreamer's dream

A dream is just a dream?

  I dremt of my grandfather
  he passed away a long time ago
  in my dreams so vivid, he was alive and happy
  watching me playing on the ocean shore.

  I was on the beach watching the big wave
  back and forth with the shellfish and bubbles rave
  On the bench , sitting is my grandfather
  weaving the bamboo knit to make an armor
  from the heat of the sun and protect my pores.

  I'm having fun on the sea shore
  trying to collect the shells on the sea floor
  never wanted to leave but play more
  From the corner of my eyes 
  I can see grandfather smile full of surprise.

  The sun is closed to setting
  went to see my grandfather where he is sitting 
  from the time I got there , he's already waiting
  I asked him to stay, his head is nodding
  I was upset ,why you couldn't stay, I'm proclaiming

  "With a big smile and his eyes so bright
  he said to me..go on you'll be alright
  worry not , i'll protect you day and night
  my eyes on you and my heart with you
  i'll always look upon you while you grow."

  He stayed behind and said, it's time to go to the boat
  I was calling  him to come with me to the float
  I screamed, I felt lost, stay with me or I'll stay with you
  He said , "No" , he has to stay and I have to go home
  everything will be fine and I  heard a whispering dome.

  As I paddled, I saw him wave at me
  saying goodbye and throw me a smile
  I have tears I went to paddle back
  when I look from far , I can't see him 
  nowhere to find, I woke up and my first word
  Mamay..  ..  .goodbye heart goes with you.

  written by : happygoluckygrace


Dearest Mamay at Tatay ,

Dearest  Mamay at  Tatay 

If I could touch the sky
I'll jump tenth high
to reach you in heaven
and to see you again.

Come into my dreams
to see your loving smile 
I wander no more
your wisdom is my guidance.

I am missing you
and I wont stop reminiscing  
even when the dark clouds 
covered the sky
I will look beyond to find you.

I love you my, Mamay Tatay 
forever in my heart
you'll stay there 
and surely ,never be forgotten.

If you could hear my poem
I dedicate it all to you 
my dearest grandfather, my father
I always thought of both of you. 

Written by: Grace Go  

Dear Father.. it won't bring you back...


I am  trying to picture your face remembering the day ,when we first met
I am  trying to grasp and listen to your voice , remembering your laughter
I am  trying to find the reason, why you came to my life, why I have to  know you 
I been so hard to myself to prove to you, I can do it on my own, so you can be proud of me
I am trying to hide the pain  and every steps I made is to be far away from you.

I can only try harder but not good enough to bring you back .
I can cry as much and shed all the tears I have but it won't bring you back.
I can scream to the fullest until I can't hear myself anymore but it wont bring you back.
What I have done is all I thought you can be happy and I thought so wrong but it wont bring you back.
I can only do so much and I understand my grief won't bring you back.

But I can give back the love and love you more 
I can give back the trust and thought of you 
I can hold on and bring back the wisdom you shared to me
I can be complete and bring back the great memories we have.

I will always remember you and engrave your name inside my heart
I will always thought of your kindness and care for me 
I will always bring your smile with me and I will forever grateful
that you are my father, at  times , life been not easy for me and all
All I got to do is look up to you and I knowing your with me in every steps.

There are so many If's and  I showed the strongest I can be but I was vulnerable
There are so many thing going through inside my head but only one thing is for sure
Papa ..I love you...I can say it a million times , I know it won't bring you back 
but I won't stop because I misses you , I know it won't bring you back but 
I want you to know I always love you . 

Papa, I thank you... I know you made the way to find you , and found  me
although for me only to  find out you are gone  once again you leave  me in the dark
rather kept me inside your heart.  I though I would not shed tears when you are gone
but I was so wrong...No tears can bring you back . But  I cried so , so hard 
I can never escape the fact , I will miss you forever and it is  your blood running
through my vein and you are my father and always will be.
It won't bring you back but I will say it anyway...Papa ...I love you. !

written by : Grace Go

One Love.. my.. Love One

...One Love my Love One ...

To love you  even more is what my heart dictates to do
looking  through your eyes, I saw everything so true
I could say it a million times how much I love you
You may not listen, then I wrote it so you'll know.

Your love is all I have, you're my  precious inside my heart 
loving you is all I can,  you're my perfect dream of art
as the time goes on, as we grow old together or no teeth at all
I'll hold your hands, we dance and lift you up when you fall.

I could eat with bare hands on banana leaves under the tree
fireflies our candle lights, flowers all around and cicada music spree
sitting down together, hugging you and closed to each other
as simple  as we can be, a moment together is all that matter.

Heaven and Earth knows what all we been through
on the path we walked, the love we have, our happy family grew
many battle and tears put together, we promised to stay forever
all that we go through, made our love to each other, grow more ..

The wonder of love, be love , to love we wander all life
searching is over, in the heart of love, our happiness derive
light as the feather, my feelings goes inside the clouds 
can't wish for anything but grateful for what we endowed.

I love you ....My One Love...My Love One..  :)

 Happy Father's Day ! .. 

written by : Grace Go

...Can you see in the eye of the child..

~~In The Eye of The Child~

Quiet and confused ,murmuring the tiny words
Ease dropping to the news courage to break the chord
Goodbye , is what I heard, officials ride the Ford.

Grandfather's eye's are teary while staring at me
No words to speak, through my eyes questions can see.
Hug me tight and and He said , Father is a Hero and He will always be.

I'm just a child, Father never seen and "Hero" is finally coming
Medallion, recognition, ribbons of courage on my palm , I'm am looking
Where is my Father , the promise to bring me in the park before evening.

Foolish world, take my Father and his Father and all the father of many
My father,The Hero is finally free from the hand of the old grumpy tyranny
They want his life with no breath no beat from his heart. Our father,Our Family.

A Toy Soldier , A pawn in a chess game no value , no place or what so ever
Not your  money , or Honor can replace my dreams to hug and kiss my father
Candies and chocolates bribe to cover the pain, take the rest and it's was over.

Cruel friends my father have , did not tell him to go home to his child
Defending treasure of the rich and famous while the poor one child living in a wild
Dreaming for the Life with mother,  father , brother  and sister a family on her side .

What did you see ...  ?  Grace ~Let the Love flow~

written by : Grace Go

Dying Heart

Dying Heart

Storm maybe over but the aftermath will remain for awhile
Day's after days cleaning up the mess of heavy storms of  beguile
The sun would rise , I would not see  cause my heart was chomp
Grasping a little breath  to recover from the big thundering stomp.

Barrell of tears when a broken heart cry 
Wishing for the end of the days to come by
Looking up on the clouds and finding the reasons why
Foolish love, you'll never know when will attack to sly.

Heavy load on my chest , asking the heaven to clear the way
Shooting star , is the only hope for all the wishes my lips can say 
Dreams fell apart  grasping my strength to fight my trouble inside
Scattered heart like a puzzles , every pieces are so hard to find.

Strange, It feels like a dagger  pierced  into my Dying heart 
The love you thought all yours but there's space carve of someones art
Many tears I shed , wanting to feel better , I wished I could ask the sky
To show me the way or help me  to carry the heavy load so I can still fly.

Thought of ending ones life, playing inside my confused mind 
As a fighter , I won't  even blink an eye  but to fight and unwind 
Standing tall and  proud for the right cause of more wonderful life
I screamed out loud "I won't give up" and conquered my strife.

Let the Love flow.. :) ............ it's me, Grace  

written by : Grace Go

To Love is to Cry


To Love is to Cry

A rare moment of solitude thinking so deep 
sitting still on quietness , finding the words to sweep
distraught of the things, can't speak like the deaf
burning out , out of sight on the darkness crawling creep. 

Teary eyes looking through on the nowhere sight 
closed nor far troubled heart can't see the light
lips are closed, searching for words that wont hurt
through thick and thin, stay true what's in our heart.

Tougher life on the darker days, to see hope is a must 
with patience and all, shall we can cope up and trust
dreamers world of hush, wondering of a happy home 
weather be warm whether be cold, the sun rays roam.

Does not matter how deep the pain when  tears fall
Believing in our delusion of what is love, makes us crawl
Smile for the world to see behind it, a sad hidden sigh
One thing in mind that heart can't deny, To Love is to Cry.

Tears ...for One love .

Let the love flow... Grace ..  

Let the love flow...   Grace .. :) 

written by : Grace Go

Falling into pieces...

Falling into pieces , part by part, struck down upon my vulnerable crest
my eyes in tears ,heart with pain like  flinders thrust on my chest 
I wouldn't make it with out hopes, how can I go on, on this life's quest 
Blinded with painful thoughts , no one will understand my hearts attest

Tonight's dream may end but tomorrow is another day
hoping for a  brand new sunshine and more nights to pray 
uprooting broken pieces that pierce the heart away 
oppressed my  lips and mind, speaking out, is a hard way

All that  foolish pain and all that is said, all dreams that is scattered 
I denounce  my heartache, numb from sad feelings to end of muttered 
faith whispered , let love that is all be shared ,an empty words stuttered
a game of pretense is in everyones mind, washing hand and uncluttered

One true love behold the world  every now  and then through mend 
catching every  rain drops  to cover tears and to my senses to tend 
once and for all, place an end to all miseries inside that is beyond our ken
the truth to set one free, to let go of ones fear, to accept ones fate or end

Words can't express how pain can be cruel, and ruined ones life
patient or to hold on , to  torpid  what it feels , it cuts like a knife
one step to move on, one way or another there is always a destroyer
inane world  ,can never see the way it goes but to wreck and coyer

The world move on it's own way to go around and complete it's turn
for the sun and moon divided the time on the ground for lifes yearn
as life has it's own way and the time always found  a place to bound and return
Love is infinite flowing , may the wishes and pursuit of smiles, is easy to earn. 

Let the love flow.

written by : Grace Go
flowers in my garden

Dear Father..

Dear Father..

A father I never knew..but I know I have one...
A father I can respect and have a fight when it's might...
A father I can hug and I can relay anything at anytime.

A father who screamed when i did something...
A father who nurtured when i felt  like drowning...
A father who cares , when there's miss understanding.

A father to trust , where and when only time can tell...
A father to protect me, from my school bully...
A father to joke with and laugh even though, I'm not funny.

A father I have missed all my life...
A father would look at me and say..your growing up...
A father I can hold on at the times when felt I'm falling apart..

Dear Father, I tried to escape from your love
I tried to run away , far from your care 
I can try everything but cannot escape the fact 
it is your blood running through my vein.

I thought  I won't need you
I thought you won't care
I thought so wrong , now that your gone
I can't cry hard enough , all I want is to hug you.

Happy Father's Day to my Dad once I knew... I love you.. :)
I love you ..Papa

written by : Grace Go

Realm of Fantasy ..

Realm of Fantasy

The burning desire of peace of mind
will it surely come with simple awareness
To dream of heaven with abundant grace
as time keep running patience it say's.

Untold story of fantasy, love and despair
keenly aware of pain before happiness 
As the light slowly engulf the darkness
then we know from the start, we are in the dark.

Compassion we give to the weak and sick 
Merciful to dying soul , living the life as we wanted
Loving the one you can, hated the life's burden
Inane realm we're living, bigotry creeping in every vein.

Smiling faces, but look deeper it frowning inside
Self preservation or be  quicker on the draw behind
what ever it takes to become true blue of a kind
climbing up to the higher ground for a better pride..

Let the love flow...Grace :)

written by : Grace Go

Words is just a word

     ...Words is just a word..

  "Words is just a word
  can be poignant or sharp to cut a cord
  when you meant it become a sword
  and injured the one you love and adore."

  "Words is just a word
  can throw it like ball
  to knock ones troll
  out of the game ball."

  "Words is just a word
  it could be  less , it could be more 
  would it be needed  
  coming out from your boredom."

  "Words is just a word
  to speak out and roar
  to offend or to heal a whore 
  intentions to do good or doom is your chores."

  "Words is just a word
  to express ones thought or to express wisdom
  what's behind the words showing compel or comprehend
  to  be defines thyself, or using it well for self ascend."

  "Words is just a word
  when it uses to communicate
  to explore around the globe
  different language, sparks a probe.

  Let the Love flow,... :)
Let the love flow...
Young Traveler

       written by : Grace Go